Reporting an antisemitic Incident
Antisemitism, the prejudice against or hatred of Jews, can take many forms. Please take a moment to share the details of your incident so we can best support you and address the occurrence.
The information you provide will be submitted to your local Community Relations Advisor, Federation Security Director, and the Secure Community Network (SCN) Duty Desk. SCN is the official safety and security organization of the Jewish community in North America. Any personal information provided will be kept strictly confidential.
verbal or written antisemitic slurs, stereotypes, or conspiracy theories which include Holocaust denial
property was damaged in a manner that incorporated evidence of antisemitic intent or which had an antisemitic impact on Jews
Jewish people or people perceived as Jewish were targeted with physical violence (or threat) accompanied by evidence of antisemitic animus
denied reasonable religious accommodation such as excused school absence on observed holiday
dissemination of flyers, pamphlets, letters, etc. to deliver antisemitic messaging